*Cough* /dusts off the spiderwebs...

The Cliff Notes version of updates:
3/2007 started quilting (don't laugh or I'll beat you)
4/2007 realized that fabric is expensive and decided to get a job
5/2007 Marc & I decided that the dogs needed a yard so we bought a house
6/2007 threw our first party
7/2007 threw another party
8/2007 threw a mini party with Heidi <3
9/2007 got a new manager at work :(
10/2007 began bitching about new manager at work
11/2007 had my parents over for a 5 day Thanksgiving celebration / work on the house weekend
12/2007 Daddy was killed in an automobile accident
1/2007 Helped Momma get her world back together
2/2007 started looking for another job
3/2007 found not 1 but 2 wonderful places to work and I'm having trouble figuring out what to do
Okay that brings you up to date! :D I miss my Daddy. Big time. Today especially, because I want to call him and have him tell me what to do. LOL I am great at handing out advice to other people but I suck at coming to decisions regarding myself. Marc is awesome as always (he's so much like his Mom). The dogs aren't much help other than to let me know they don't care where I work as long as I can bring them treats home.
It seems like this is the best place to go soul-searching. Okay not really, but it beats the heck out of talking to myself. I have the chance to work for a non-profit agency, doing good in the world, be on salary, but not making the big bucks, and working one on one with another person. The flip side is working in a private enterprise with an office full of women that I genuinely adore, making really good money, but with minimal benefits, hourly pay, and again let me state, with a group of people that I seem to have a blast with. Both are equal distance from home (roughly 3 or 4 miles). I was positive the decision would be easy. It's turned into a tug of war between my head and my heart. Anyway - just wanted to put an update up. I guess I need to go over to mywastedspace and do the same so people don't think I've joined a cult or become antisocial or whatever. \m/