Lyly's OMGBlog

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Oops I Did It Again...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so never say never. After getting my toon to 89 laugh points (that's uber ya'll) I kind of got bored. (I was three boxing my way through Toontown. LOL) So I played Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption. I'm in the middle of Chinatown and I'm bored cause the losers won't flirt with me....heck they won't even talk to me....guess that's what happens in single player games. /blonde So.....

Media Play was having a they had EQ2's Desert of Flames for like -12 okay so not quite that cheap...but super cheap never the less. Know what that means? Guess who's back in Norrath? That's right....node ninja's and lewt whores beware...the bish is back.

I didn't realize how much had changed in 6 months. I'm all of the sudden a complete newb again. I'm lucky that I remembered where I lived at least. LOL The new expansion rocks all kinds of ass. I can solo stuff - make good xp - well okay not good but decent - and make great cash. I've been back for 3 days so far and have looted a lvl 48 master skill, 3 rares, and a handful of uncommon things like the lamient stuff. I've made 1 adventure level - go go lvl 51 - wewt!! - and 2 tradeskill levels (52 provisioner, thanks!).

Lot's of my old friends are still playing...and they are AWESOME!! Aalene (shoutout to my homegirl!! lol) hooked me up with a great guild. Aangst - my old crafting buddy (way back in the wee beginnings of the game - I was Aangst' crack - er, drink supplier) hooked me up with a bank (literally) full of provisioner raws. My dear friend Drewgan (/swoon ~ what a hottie) helped me out with the new provo books, updated several of my skills to Adept III's, gave me a wonderful guided tour of the new zone, and even put up with my, "omg I'm such a newb" shiz. honey - aka Krevek, Aesh, Banest, Banwift - Marc....has been putting up with my total spazzing irl. (OMG I'm so far behind, OMG I'm so gimp, OMG I'm such a newbie, OMG I can't sleep - I must GRIND!!!) And to top it all off I've been having pc issues (frequent stops, locks, and reboots) - so he's been awesome enough to let me use his pc while he sleeps/works, etc. /my hero He truly is a saint...he puts up with so much from me. LOL <3

Okay...I think the servers are coming up...time for me to get back in there!! LOL (Who needs sleep?)

Much /hugs and /smoochies and /hootchiecootchies ~

Geez it's great to be back home....

/queue the theme from Cheers